Sunday, July 22, 2012

Time is on our side

We enjoyed a fancy yet relaxed evening at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse for our friend's birthday the other night. They plan something special with their friends every year. On the ride home it hit me how long we've been enjoying their birthday rituals. I found myself saying, "Eight years. My how time flies."

Like a broken record,I'm saying those words a lot, lately.

My daughter made me say it last week. She was buying groceries on her own for her first camping trip with friends and without us. She's less than six months from being an adult and she's got more smarts than most 30-year-olds I know. When did this happen?

It seems like just yesterday it was me turning 18 and getting ready to take on the world.

Reflection is important, but living in the past is dangerous so I'm glad I don't do that...much. Some of it makes me sad, much of it makes me smile with satisfaction.

I prefer to look to the future and make plans, but that can be dangerous too.

A line from the song "Beauty School Drop-Out", from the movie Grease, just popped into my head "...You've got the dreams but not the drive..." Unfortunately that's what happens too often for me.

Or I have the ideas, the dreams, but not the money. Makes me want to knock over a Bank of America or at least a Quickie Mart.

This whole time thing can be tricky. It's a balancing act of past-present-future.

My daughter told me not to worry too much about what's going to happen in the future because you'll miss out on what's happening today. Did I mention she was smart?

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